UCEA 5/15/2020
The Unified Collegiate Esports Association, or UCEA, has opened up applications for affiliation! The focus of the association is to amplify the high-level competition that so many institutions desire to participate in. The top tier affiliated institutions will have full access to all partners, assets and tournaments. Below are the benefits to becoming affiliated with UCEA:
1. Full access to all partners and sponsors. It is important to us that institutions can receive the assets and resources they need to increase the quality of their program to where they want it to be. We will have partners across the industry that are some of the best at what they do to ensure quality as well as customer service.
2. All tournaments under UCEA will enforce strict guidelines for forfeits. In high-level competitions, forfeits should not be as common as they currently are in the esports scene. We look to reduce that occurrence. Each tournament will have assigned forfeit penalties, and affiliated institutions will be responsible for showing up to every competition. Each institution will have an outward facing "reputability score" on their directory page. This score represents the number of games completed over the number of games registered for. This is to keep institutions accountable and can become an asset in recruitment.
3. Broadcasting and production is an essential piece to us. All tournaments will have high quality production to ensure that every stream highlights the players and staff at institutions. We have an amazing production team on board and are excited to create great content. Institutions will also be able to assist others in broadcasting if they wish to utilize their programs to help others.
4. Each tournament will have a small entry fee, being $100 USD per team for Fall 2020 tournaments, but all entry fees go to prizing and live event production. Due to COVID-19, live events will return in Spring 2021, but high quality production will be key for Fall 2020.
5. The association will focus on creating stories around the students. We want to follow them during their careers and then after. It is very important that everyone in collegiate esports programs get highlighted and they get to be a part of stories that show who they are as people.
6. Tournaments will be scheduled months ahead of time. A lot of the issues with forfeits is that many tournaments are released very close to when they start. We want to recognize that esports teams are also students, and we should prioritize their academic schedules. Due to this, schedules will be released no later than six months prior to start date. Fall 2020 dates will be released in May because unfortunately COVID-19 halted many things. However, it is important to us that all affiliated institutions are able to participate in the games they love.
7. The association is assisted by an Advisory Council of your peers. The staff of UCEA is determined to execute things as best we can, but nobody knows the ins and outs of collegiate esports better than all of the coaches and directors on the ground. We want to listen and help in any way we can. The more we can benefit our affiliates, the more we can benefit the entire space.
8. There are many more things that we are developing over the next year. One of the main ones is creating two tiers of affiliated institutions. The top tier would stay as what we have created. The tier two institutions will be target institutions that need help and guidance on how to become a tier one UCEA institution. Tier two institutions will be able to receive consultation and resources if they so choose for a fee. We will also be providing competition for tier two affiliates through our products at UEA. This structure allows us to continue the emphasis on high-level competition, but also gives us the means to help foster programs that desire to get to that point. More information on the tiers will release later in 2020!