Purdue Northwest University

Active Member

League of Legends – 5v5

Dalton "Prank" Swaino
Paul "Doubtful" Shim
Aaron "Klexo" Yang
Lukas "Winking" Rosipko
Felix "Tehpwner" Barrera



Program Founded: Fall 2020

Program Mission: We are looking to build a gaming community in Northwest Indiana and create a program that teaches invaluable skills and learning opportunities through competitions and running esports teams.

Average Rank: LoL - Grandmaster +

Other Events: 2nd place 2021 Upsurge league,

Titles Offered: LoL, Rocket League, Call of Duty, Valorant, Super Smash Bros Ultimate

Manco1 (teemo streamer) is good friends of the program.