Street Fighter 6

Street Fighter 6

Game: Street fighter 6
Date: Sat, February 10, 2024
Time: 4:00 PM
Location: Hyatt Regency Deerfield | Deerfield , IL
Total Prize Value: $100.00
Max Capacity: 16

Street Fighter 6 Details


Join us for a Street Fighter 6 tournament open to the public with $100 up for grabs! Players battle to determine who will be the winner facing an onslaught of challengers.

First come first serve. Our prize will be split between the top 3 players--total prize pool will be determined by the amount of players registered in bracket.


  • 3pm Check-in
  • 4pm Round 1 Starts
  • Rounds played Back-to-Back
  • 8pm Expected End

The tournament prize will be for $100. The total payout for top 3 will be split as follows:

  • 1st = $50
  • 2nd = $30
  • 3rd = $20

All tournaments entrants require a Champion Pass or VIP Pass to participate. The Champion's Pass is an all-inclusive ticket for other tournaments, quests and activities.

All equipment provided; players are welcome to bring their own controllers, mouse & keyboard or other peripherals!

Street Fighter 6 Rules

What to Do Onsite

  • Before your Activity starts, Check In at Registration.
  • Go to Your Zone to Check In for the Activity:
    • You will be playing in the Battle-Zone for this Tournament.
    • Once you find the Tournament Offical for your Event they will guide you through the next steps
    • Quest Givers and Tournament Officals will be there to direct you.

General Tournament Rules

Capcom Pro Tour Settings and Rules
Game Settings
Offline competitions
*In addition, "FIGHTING GROUND", "ONLINE", and "CUSTOM ROOM" may also be used.
・Commentary Settings OFF, Rounds: 3, Timer: 99
・Control Type: Modern or Classic *Dynamic is not available.
・Advantage: No advantage

Stage: Random
All OPTION settings are default settings except for the following two settings.
Graphic settings: "Motion blur ON" and "Input Delay Reduction ON” Other settings: "Damage Display Settings: No display".
In-battle Accessibility Settings may be turned ON if the Tournament Organizer deems that the setting is physically necessary.
OPTON setting may be specified during the tournament or match by CAPCOM or the Tournament Organizer.
CAPCOM or the Tournament Organizer may decide on the settings at any time at its sole discretion.
Players are not allowed to arbitrarily change the playing environment.

  • Playside Selection
    Both players must agree on which side of the machine (who will be 1P and who will be 2P) when seated. If no agreement is reached, the players shall follow the instructions of the Tournament Organizer in the online tournament, and in the CPTOffline and CCLCQ, the player who wins by rock-paper-scissors shall choose the side of his/her choice.
  • CHARACTER SELECTION: There are two methods of selecting characters for offline competitions. Standard and Double Blind. It is understood that if the players do not discuss on the character selection method, the Standard method will be used. If the players cannot reach a consensus on the character selection method, the judges will apply the Double Blind method.
    • Standard method
      Both players will choose the character to use at any given time. This is a free choice. The players choose the character of their choice and begin play. Once either player has finished selecting a character, they can no longer choose to apply the Double Blind method.
    • Double Blind method
      The players must request the Double Blind system in an unambiguous manner before the other player has finished selecting his/her character. If a player wishes to play Double Blind, the player on the left (1P) decides which character he or she will choose, and then overhears his or her choice to the referee. The referee then signals the player on the right (2P) to choose a character. When the player on the right (2P) has made his choice, the Tournament Organizer allows the player on the left (1P) to choose the character that he chose first.
    • side & character selection manners
      The manner is that the player who gets the choice of which side (1P or 2P) to play on chooses his character first. This is just good manners. It does not obligate the players in any way.
  • Match progression
    After both players have chosen their characters, the players begin the first BATTLE of the match; at the end of the BATTLE, the following rules apply
    • The MATCH ends when either player takes the specified number of BATTLEs.
    • Once either player has taken the prescribed number of BATTLEs, the winner of the match reports the result to the referee.
    • The player who took the BATTLE does not have the right to change sides; if the player who lost the BATTLE does not wish to move, he may not change sides.
    • The player who wins the preceding BATTLE must continue to use the same character and same control type.
    • The player who loses the preceding BATTLE may freely choose the next character and control type.
    • If a BATTLE ends in a DRAW GAME, the result of that BATTLE shall be null and void, and the BATTLE shall be played again with the same character and control type.
    • Controller settings and button configurations can only be changed before the start of the BATTLE.

Controller Usage Rules
The following are the rules and regulations (hereafter referred to as the "Rules and Regulations") governing the use of controllers by players in all competitions on the CAPCOM Pro Tour (hereafter referred to as the "CPT"). However, Capcom reserves the right to change these rules at any time. In the event of unforeseen problems, Capcom and the tournament organizers reserve the right to make decisions in consultation.

  • Philosophy of Controller Use in CPT:
    Capcom does not discourage players from choosing or customizing their preferred controller. Capcom recognizes that there are circumstances in which players are compelled to do so due to their environment, physical characteristics, personality, or other compelling reasons. However, this diversity is allowed only to the extent that fairness is ensured.
  • Definition of Terms:
    • Game:All situations and elements of Street Fighter 6. Not limited to during a fight.
    • Competition:A game in which players compete against each other to win or lose.
    • Controller:Equipment that is primarily used for character manipulation and is recognized as a controller by the game program.
    • Keyboard:Equipment that is primarily used for text input and is recognized as a keyboard by the game program.
    • Lever:A device that senses two(2) states, "input or no input," by tilting a lever.
    • Button:A device that senses two(2) states, "input or no input," by pressing a button.
    • Analog Stick:A device that senses the step-by-step input status by the tilt angle of the stick.
    • Mechanical Capability:The number of buttons and levers. The sensitivity of the analog sticks.
    • Input System:This refers to buttons, directional keys, levers, analog sticks, and keyboard keys. However, we do not believe that all players' needs can be covered by these input systems and may consider increasing them in some cases. The number of directional key/lever input systems will be counted for each direction, with a maximum of four(4) In particular, the one excluding the analog stick is called the "digital input system.
    • Attacking Action:This refers to the elements that can be changed in the controller settings of Street Fighter 6. The attacking actions are as follows, depending on the Control type, and up to eleven(11) attacking actions are selected and applied to one controller.
    • Modern:Light Attack, Medium Attack, Heavy Attack, Special Move, Drive Parry, Drive Impact, Assist, Light + Medium, Light + Heavy, Medium + Heavy, Light + Medium + Heavy, Heavy + Special Move, Taunt, Accessibility Sounds
    • Classic:LP, MP, HP, LK, MK, HK, LP + LK, MP + MK, HP + HK, LP + MP, LP + HP, MP + HP, LP + MP + HP, LK + MK, LK + HK, MK + HK, LK + MK + HK, Taunt, Simultaneous Input, Accessibility Sounds (P stands for Punch; K stands for Kick)
    • Movement:Action An action required to move a character by pushing the directional keys or tilting the analog stick, and is also used to input unique attacks or special move.
    • Combination of Inputs:A single input resulting in a execution of several number of inputs. Combination of inputs are not allowed during a Street Fighter 6 match, except for those that can be applied in the controller settings in the game itself. In other words, there are no other combinations than the following for each operation type. Of course, it is not possible to combine a move action and an attack action into a single input system.
      • Modern:Light + Medium, Light + Heavy, Medium + Heavy, Light + Medium + Heavy, Heavy + Special Move, Appeal
      • Classic:LP + LK, MP + MK, HP + HK, LP + MP, LP + HP, MP + HP, LP + MP + HP, LK + MK, LK + HK, MK + HK, LK + MK + HK, Taunt (P stands for Punch; K stands for Kick)
    • Alternative Controllers:A controller that the player uses to replace the one in used in a match for any reason.
  • Controller Customization:
    Customization refers to changing the physical location of buttons and levers or creating the controller itself. Customization beyond the mechanical capabilities of the PS5 standard controller, DualSense, is prohibited unless there is a special reason to do so, which takes physical characteristics into consideration. Not to mention, macros, turbo (continuous hitting function), unacceptable compound input, or any analogous function is prohibited.
    Capcom or the Tournament Organizer reserves the right to check the controller at any time during the tournament. If the results of the check indicate that the controller is violating the rules (hereinafter referred to as "offending controller"), the player will be suspended from using the controller, and may be punished and instructed to prepare an alternative controller as soon as possible. In such cases, the tournament organizer will provide a full explanation to the players.
  • Scope of fairness :
    The scope of customization allowed as a guarantee of fairness will be as follows
    • Attacking Action
      The maximum number of input systems that can be used as attacking actions is eleven(11). However, the same offensive action cannot be assigned to multiple input systems. For example, it is not allowed to have more than one light punch button. When using a controller with more than eleven(11) input systems for attacking actions, measures must be taken in advance to disable the use of unnecessary input systems as attacking actions. Note that the above does not apply to input systems that cannot be used as inputs for attacking actions in the "Controller Settings" in the game (DualSense PS button, mute button, etc.).
    • Character Movement
      A move button is one that applies the move action as a button rather than a directional key, lever, or analog stick. Move buttons and directional keys, levers, and analog sticks can coexist on the same controller, but in such cases, the corresponding move action input must be lost as compensation. For example, if only the upper direction is made a move button, the lever's input for the upper direction must be disabled.
      • The maximum number of digital input systems that can be used as a moving action is limited to four(4). This is intended to be allocated in the vertical and horizontal directions. Even within the range of the number of installations, the same movement action cannot be assigned to more than one input system. For example, it is not possible to install more than two(2) input buttons for the upward direction.
      • Directional keys, levers, and move buttons that allow movement actions and analog sticks can coexist and be installed. However, movement actions with analog input must be input as analog information. For example, it is not allowed to convert the analog stick into a button or lever, or any other mechanical capability.
      • Simultaneous input of movement actions
        Simultaneous input in the vertical and horizontal directions is allowed only for the following specifications.
        If up and down directions are input at the same time Both inputs must be maintained or both inputs must be rejected.
        To clarify, if up and down inputs are made simultaneously, the character must not perform a jump or crouch action, and if the left and right inputs are made simultaneously, the character must not perform a forward or backward movement action.
        If left and right directions are input simultaneously Both inputs must be maintained or both inputs must be rejected.
        Do not add functions other than the above to disable input information for attacking or moving actions. For example, do not add a button to force a neutral state.
  • Keyboard usage:
    Keyboards are allowed only if the platform used in the tournament is Steam. However, keyboards must adhere to these rules in the same manner as controllers. The keyboard alone is not allowed to compete in offline CPT tournaments and must be paired with a controller. The paired controller must be simply connected to the PC and must not be used for character control, but only for the game program to recognize the keyboard as the player. If both players in an offline CPT tournament group wish to use the keyboard, they may do so by playing online from the Custom Room on two(2) computers, as long as there is an Internet connection available to connect to CFN (hereinafter referred to as "online competition environment"). This is because it is not possible to have two(2) keyboards connected to one PC at the same time. If an online competition environment is unavailable, both players must play the game with an alternative controller other than the keyboard.
  • Obtain an alternative controller:
    Players may be forced to change their current controller if an offending controller is used or an unexpected malfunction occurs. In such cases, the following will apply.
    • In case of controller failure Players may report controller malfunctions to the judge as necessary. A player may report a malfunction even if the match is in progress. However, reporting a malfunction during a match means that the match is suspended, and the player who reported the malfunction must forfeit the current round.
      • Players who report a malfunction must prepare an alternative controller as soon as possible. If the player is unable to do so within 5 minutes of reporting the problem, the tournament organizer may suggest that the player play the game using an alternative controller provided by the tournament organizer. In this case, players may not specify the alternative controller prepared by the tournament organizer. The tournament organizer’s proposal of an alternative controller shall be limited to cases where it is possible.
      • Players must immediately (within about one minute) choose whether to continue game play with the current controller that is faulty, play with an alternative controller, or abandon the match.
    • When using the offending controller
      • If the tournament organizer determines that the controller is in violation as a result of the controller check, the player may be instructed to obtain an alternative controller after appropriate punishment.
      • The player who receives instructions must prepare an alternative controller as soon as possible. If the player cannot prepare the controller within 5 minutes of the instruction, the tournament organizer may suggest that the player play the game with an alternative controller prepared by the tournament organizer. In this case, players may not specify the alternative controller prepared by the tournament organizer. The tournament organizer’s proposal of an alternative controller shall be limited to cases where it is possible.
      • Players must choose immediately (within about one minute) whether to play with an alternative controller or forfeit the match.
    • Operation check after obtaining an alternative controller: After obtaining an alternative controller, players can check the button settings and other operations as follows
      • If obtaining an alternative controller is during a match interruption, the round is forfeited, but the remaining time may be used to check the operation. However, if the judge decides that the player who obtained the alternative controller has gained an excessive advantage, such as a significant charge to the Super Art gauge, the judge may ask the player to abandon the match.
      • If the alternative controller acquisition is between match set, up to 5 minutes will be given to check the controller before the next match set begins.
    • When opting to continue with the original defective controller or choosing the alternative controller, if a new defect is found in either situation, players may not reported any additional defects, and if the defect cannot be overlooked, the match will be forfeit.However, if the alternative controller provided by the tournament organizer is found to be defective, the player may report the controller defect to the judges as necessary.