Game: Valorant
Date: Sat, February 11, 2023
Time: 4:00 PM
Bruner Fitness & Rec Center at Illinois College
| Jacksonville , IL
Total Prize Value: $750.00
Max Capacity: 10
VALORANT (Open) Details
5v5 Tournament - Best of 1, Double Elimination
Join us for the open VALORANT tournament, as part of the Midwest Esports Conference: Spring Circuit Showdown! This 10-team tournament will have up to $750 in prizing if all 10 team slots are filled - plus, compete for medals and prize tickets! Registration will be open until our maximum number has been reached, at which point additional teams may be placed on a waiting list. (*High school students are encouraged to compete in our HS-exclusive events, as found on our schedule: HERE!)
Each player on your team will need to purchase a Champion Pass in order to participate in the event. You may view the rules by clicking here.
VALORANT (Open) Rules
Tournament Settings.
Best of 1.
Teams will be randomized into a bracket.
Double Elimination.
Teams will consist of 5 players.
A maximum of one substitute is allowed.
Substitutes will not be allowed to switch in between games. After the round is over and before the next one begins is when they will be allowed to swap.
Map picking
TO’s will assist teams in their map bans by using mapban.gg to facilitate the bans.
All maps will be pickable.
A pause will be issued if there is a technical issue or emergency.
Mode: Standard
Server: TO will tell you what option to pick.
Allow Cheats: Off
Tournament Mode: On
Overtime win by 2: On
Playout all rounds: Off
Hide Match History: Off
Bad Manners
Each player must treat the other team respectfully in game.
No player will be allowed to play remotely.